In Dr. Hans Jagemann’s “Sports and the Environment: Ways towards achieving the sustainable development of sport,” he introduces a highly important subject: sports and the environment. Sports fulfill important functions to our daily lives, from promoting good health and physical activity to providing means of social gatherings and entertainment. However, the physical involvement of sports or the building and operation of sports facilities can cause damage to nature and affect the environment in a variety of different ways. In addition, indirect factors such as the use of cars to travel to and from sports activities are often underestimated.

Therefore, it is really important that sports organizations educate individuals about environmental issues. Environmental education is significant in order to avoid and reduce sports-related ecological damages. The coordinated combination of planning, educational and legal measures promises to be particularly successful (Jagemann, 2003). Individuals should keep in mind the adaption of the type of sport to the features of natural areas. If people are not informed and educated about certain issues, they will never know how big of a subject sports and the environment is. Once educated, individuals will become more aware and will potentially work together to conserve the environment and pursue green practices. Nature conservation and environmental protection is extremely important. Thus, sports activities should be played on an attractive, yet less vulnerable area. Existing sports facilities and buildings’ main priority should be reducing energy and water consumption.

The main means of transportation to and from sport activities and entertainment is by car. It is therefore extremely important to develop and increase the popularity of more environment-friendly forms of mobility (Jagemann, 2003). Shortening routes to and from facilities is a great start, and building facilities closer to homes can provide eco-friendly forms of mobility, such as biking or walking!

Today, sports articles rarely inform readers the affect sports activities and construction can have on nature and the environment. In order to increase awareness of the issue, authorities, sports organizations, and conservation groups must work together to spread this highly significant subject. All parties must cooperate and be role models. Together, we can use the power of sports to promote environmental awareness and respect for the environment among the community!

Go Green!

-Catherine Crisostomo