Tamarindo, Costa Rica Weather

It’s always great to plan a trip with the weather of your destination in mind. Here is some information about the temperature and rainfall at Pura Vida House near Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Costa Rica has many microclimates, so while it maybe rainy and cool in one part of the country, it’s dry and sunny in another part. In our area of Guanacaste, near Tamarindo, here is what you can expect for temperature and rainfall throughout the year:

Tamarindo Costa Rica Weather


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January – Mid-to-Late April: Dry and hot, with almost no chance of rain

Late-April – Mid-July:  Rains will start intermittently towards the start of May, and pick up slightly through July. Expect mostly clear mornings and evenings with possible afternoon showers.

Mid-July:  Expect a two-week slow-down in the rain, this is called “the Little San Juan Summer.”

Mid-July – August:  Rains pick back up, expect again most mornings and nights clear, with afternoon showers.

September – October:  Expect heavier rains, with days ranging from just afternoon showers to occasional rain-outs. Great sunsets and green foliage abound!

November-December: Expect rains to taper off into November, and being cleared almost completely by the “December Winds” that come through mid-month. December is our favorite month in this area of Costa Rica, with refreshing breezes, green foliage, and no rain.

Tamarindo Costa Rica Weather